
Probably the last threatening cold front and frost fright in Brazil this season

Probably the last threatening cold front and frost fright in Brazil this season

| July 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

Again as the month of July runs its last week, there is a cold front in Brazil that threatens the Southern – most areas of the Arabica coffee Belt. As this Cold Front runs over Parana and Sao Paulo States, we will learn by this Thursday if any coffee plantations were hit by the frost. […]

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Brazil works into the main crop season, the weather improved and great coffees are on the way!

Brazil works into the main crop season, the weather improved and great coffees are on the way!

| July 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

Nucoffee and Wolthers America did the Arabica Coffee Belt these last 10 days, we learned a lot about the volume and qualities to come. Rains did affect the quality of about 10% on the 20% total volume harvested until July 4th. On the other hand, as the higher zones start the ideal maturation now in […]

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Brazil faces massive student and popular protest and rioting as the coffee harvest is at full speed

Brazil faces massive student and popular protest and rioting as the coffee harvest is at full speed

| June 18, 2013 | 0 Comments

Yes, Brazil’s modern economic miracle is not free from its local citizen and youth in-satisfaction and questioning! The current Confederations World Soccer Cup, Pope Francisco’s visit still this late June, the 2014 FIFA Soccer World Cup and Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic Games in 2016 have suddenly turned against the Samba, Soccer and Flamboyant Brazilian party […]

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What’s beyond the curve when considering the Roja?

What’s beyond the curve when considering the Roja?

| June 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

Many small holders think that the rains will bring strong and sound new leaves and these will support a good flowering progressing into fruit and to a plentiful harvest starting November 2013. The fact is that in most cases, this will probably not happen and the loss of leaves followed by a very low or […]

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Rain and Frost X Quality and Productivity is the name of the game

Rain and Frost X Quality and Productivity is the name of the game

| May 14, 2013 | 0 Comments

As the Brazilian Harvest starts, we should now pay close attention to the weather over the Arabica coffee belt. 80% of the Brazilian Arabica beans grow in zones which are vulnerable to winter cold fronts that bring widespread rains and frost to the lower plantations. In Brazil’s Coffee Belt, frost happens at the lower areas […]

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Coffee Rust in Latin America, a major concern!

Coffee Rust in Latin America, a major concern!

Wolthers America featured on a Coffee Rust related article on The Miami Herald by Jim Wyss on May 21st 2013. Full article here.   On the other hand, we have new arrivals in Portland and Seattle. Call for samples and pricing on any of our coffees stored also in Oakland, Houston, Miami and New Jersey. […]

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It’s that time again,  The Brazilian New Crop harvest starts in May!

It’s that time again, The Brazilian New Crop harvest starts in May!

| April 29, 2013 | 0 Comments

The big question this year is where to store the incoming 13/14 new crop which starts to be harvested this May and finishes by September/13? The numbers suggest a storage and logistic nightmare as Brazilian storage capacity, truck availability and road infra-structure are maxed out. Coffee producers avoid storing coffee in the farms due to […]

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SCAA Conference starts tomorrow

SCAA Conference starts tomorrow

| April 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

Boston will be the Specialty Coffee Mecca for a week! Enjoy our short video about sophisticated demand on high quality coffee and how to fight stress. Also see our Offer list with amazing Brazilian Micro Lots.

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Christian Wolthers explains the Brazilian coffee preparations

Christian Wolthers explains the Brazilian coffee preparations

| April 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

Christian Wolthers explains the Brazilian coffee preparations on this latest YouTube video: Make sure you visit our video gallery and our YouTube Channel for more videos!

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Short Week to Get All the Coffees you Need

Short Week to Get All the Coffees you Need

| March 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

It’s already Tuesday and this week we have Good Friday making it a short week for many. The best time to buy Brazilian Specialty coffees starts now, from April through July. This is when the body and sugars show their best presence in the cup. If the green coffee is accommodated in Grain Pro or […]

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